Wednesday 3 March 2010

9th February 2010 Mandvi.

After getting directions from C.E.D.O. yesterday, we headed down to Mandvi for Crab Plover, it's a hell of a long walk down the beach, but ultimately worth it. Finally getting to the sand spit there were 84 Crab Plovers roosting and giving good views down to about 40 feet. Also along the beach were - 5 Slender-billed Gulls, a Caspian Tern, 40+ probable Saunders Tern, 200+ Kentish Plover, 100 Greater Flamingo, 70 Oystercatcher, a Grey Plover, 4 Greater Thick-Knee, 2 Osprey, 20 Painted Storks and 6 Western Reef Herons.
Around Mandvi Lake there were 40 Spot-billed Ducks, 80 White Pelican, 45 Dalmatian Pelican and 2 Oriental Honey Buzzard.
On the way back to Bhuj, stopped at a lake at Dahinsara, where there was 4 Comb Duck, 70+ Spot-billed Ducks, 100+ Black Ibis, 5 Glossy Ibis and a Bluethroat.

Crab Plover directions.

Crab Plovers.

Greater Flamingo.

Saunders ? Terns.

Painted Storks.

Slender-billed Gulls.

Greater Thick-Knee.

Black & Glossy Ibis.

Oriental Honey Buzzard.

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