We visited a place called Valsura, an area of salt pans just north of Jamnagar in the afternoon. The usual stuff was on the salt pans including - 50 Painted Storks, 150+ Black-headed Ibis and 200+ Greater and 50+ Lesser Flamingo. Also a fly over Pallid Harrier and 1000+ Slender-billed Gulls heading for a nearby roost, on the main road through the pans there were 12 Sand Larks. The evening was spent at Lakhota Tank in Jamnagar, where there were - 350+ Spot-billed Ducks, a Mallard (the only one of the trip), 400+ Ruff, 20 Whiskered Terns, 2 Pallas's Gulls and a Common Buzzard.
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