Spent most of the day preparing for a forthcoming Whimbrel survey, so birding consisted of what was in the Garden, for most of the day this consisted of a single Garden Warbler. However, at about 4.30 pm an Icterine Warbler was feeding in the roses in front of the living room window ! Went outside to photograph it and flushed a pale, rather grey looking
Acro from the plantation, Marsh Warbler was eliminated pretty much straight away, but the bird still looked too grey and too pale for a typical Reed Warbler - the possibility of it being a Blyth's Reed was not ignored and with this in mind managed to get Roger to come round, complete with mist net, about 15 minutes after setting the net up the bird was trapped and turned out to be....... a Reed Warbler after all !!
Garden Warbler.
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