Monday, 27 February 2012

Dodabetta Two

Another day in the Dodabetta shola, but this time in the afternoon, with the sun on the hillside forest. I half expected it to be really quiet at that time of day, but no, if anything it was better than yesterday. Birds today -  1 White-bellied Flycatcher, 7 Nilgiri Flycatcher, 2 Nilgiri Laughingthrush, only 1 Tickell's Leaf Warbler, 1 fem Indian Blue Robin, 3 Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher, 2 Nilgiri Scaly Thrush (inc 1 showing stupidly well - see below), only 1 Black-and-orange Flycatcher and around 40 Common Rosefinch. Also 6 Malabar Giant Squirrel.
Indian Blue Robin
Nilgiri Flycatcher
Nulgiri Laughingthrush
Nilgiri Scaly Thrush
White-bellied Flycatcher

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