Fired up by a Garden Warbler in the garden (appropriately enough !) and a Swallow over the house, went out in the strong SE winds looking for migrants (even though, looking at the charts, the winds don't seem to be coming from that far away) - 2 Common Sandpipers amongst the rocks in front of the house were new and 4 Purple Sandpipers there, were the first of the autumn. A Reed Warbler in the irises by the Loch at least proved that some birds have made it across the North Sea. Still good numbers of Wheatears around Scatness (40+), 25 Knot around the Loch and Moast Beach with 13 Sanderling, only 6 Dunlin today. Loads of Shags (300+), Gannets, Kittiwakes and Arctic Terns fishing in Quendale Bay, receiving the usual harassment from Great and Arctic Skuas (the Kittiwakes on the Loch constantly bombarded by at least 6 Arctic Skuas).
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