Wednesday, 17 February 2016

1066 - Back to the old patch

Have been back south for the last week, and while I was there I visited the old patch a couple of times. Moore NR seems to have become even more popular with visitors than it was when I left in 2002 and even more birdless - coincidence? Anyway the highlights were a couple of Yellow-legged Gulls on Birchwood Pool, a leucistic Black-headed Gull on Pumphouse Pool, Kingfishers around the Eastern Reedbed and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker singing in Lapwing Lane Alder Woods. And the post title? This is my 1066th post - and nothing to do with any battles on the south coast.
Leucistic Black-headed Gull
Canadian Water Pig
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Lapwing Lane alder woods
Birchwood Pool
Eastern Reedbed
Feeding Station
Lapwing Lane
Lapwing Lane Pool
Pumphouse Pool

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