Monday, 22 June 2009

Midnight Sunset.

Midnight sunset cruise around the north end of Mainland Shetland, starting at Toft and going all the way around Northmavine and Eshaness around to St Magnus Bay. Unfortunately it had clouded over by midnight, so no sunset, but stunning views of the coastline all evening. not so much in the way of birds (past a few Auk colonies on the sea stacks), but this was more about scenery than anything else - Brilliant !
2 Storm Petrels seen after midnight around the Ramna Stacks area.
For details of the next trip of this ilk see -
The evening ended with a rather vocal Corncrake at a special secret location at two o'clock in the morning !

Auk Colony on the Ramna Stacks.

Dor Holm.

Eshaness Lighthouse.

Lang Ayre Beach.

Sea Stacks.

The Back of Ronas Hill.



Large White in the Garden.

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