A bit of an update for May, Common Tern and Arctic Skua added to the year-list on the 5th and Whooper Swan and Swallow on the 7th. A bit of a fall took place on the 8th, with House Martin, male Pied Flycatcher, 2 Whitethroats, male Ring Ouzel, Dunnock, Redstart, Song Thrush, Lapland Bunting, 2 Tree Pipit and Wryneck on the patch, plus a long overdue garden tick - Reed Bunting ! Between the 17th and the months end a few more minor falls took place, Kestrel and Redpoll on the 17th, Crossbill and Common Rosefinch on the 20th, 2 Red-backed Shrikes, Icterine Warbler and Avocet on the 23rd and a Little Egret on the 30th.
Avocet |
Common Rosefinch |
Common Redpoll |
Icterine Warbler |
Little Egret |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Reed Bunting |
Red-backed Shrikes |