When most of the migrants have buggered off from the patch then what to do ? On Scilly it would probably be a seawatch from Peninnis, in England go through the returning wildfowl or check out the Gulls. On Shetland seawatching is crap, I checked all the wildfowl on the patch, which took about 2 minutes, to get 38 Barnacle Geese, a female Shoveler and 4 Wigeon, which now only left the Gulls... erm. Gull watching on Shetland is normally as bad as seawatching (apart from white-wingers), but today was a bit different, with a few odd looking beasts kicking about.
Bird A
I picked this thing up off Sanblister Beach (in front of the house), the first thing noticed was a virtually all dark tail and generally dark plumage - pointing towards a 'Smicker', however, the bird is clearly too small and on closer inspection looks sod all like a 'Smicker'. It does however superficially resemble a juv/1st year Lesser Black-backed (mega rare on Shetland in winter), but this doesn't seem to fit either, as the pale 'window' at the base of the primaries should eliminate LBBG, but if it's not a LBBG it's probably got some in it somewhere.
Bird A |
Bird B
Again another dark looking bird but definitely not a 'Smicker', presumably it's a dark
'argentatus' with a lot of juvenile plumage still retained. Some photos of a similar looking bird (though a second winter) in Denmark - photos
Bird B |
Bird C
A pretty mad looking adult type Herring Gull, but the bird is in a late moult on the primaries and has an looking, parallel sided bill. the mantle shade and numerous white mirrors suggest '
Argentatus' (which it almost certainly is), but that bill, moult timing and fainter head streaking suggest maybe there's another influence in the genes of this bird - see
here- a bold call, but Gulls do have a habit of interbreeding with anything that vaguely resembles themselves !
Bird C |
Bird D
A bit of a doddle really - a big, monsterous, adult
'Argentatus', though it may not be a full adult as there does seem to be some brown flecking still in the wings.
Bird D |