After the wind went to a light
NNE last night, I felt pretty sure there would be something kicking around today. It all looked good as I looked out of the kitchen window first thing, to find 9
Crossbills in the garden, munching on the rose-hips (looking at the state they were in, they must of been through some crappy weather to get here). Fired up, I then checked
Scatness - nothing ! apart from a lot of Meadow Pipits and Skylarks moving south, again, with a Merlin having a pop at them every now and then. After the Italian Grand
Prix, got a phone call from 'Mr
Bentos' saying there was a Harrier heading my way, as I have not got any Harriers on the garden list, it didn't matter which species it was, it was going to be a garden tick. Pretty easily picked up, thanks to the Starlings going nuts, a Marsh Harrier, heading slowly back north towards the Pool of
Virkie and eventually lost to view somewhere around
Exnaboe. This now takes the garden list to 171, and to 118 for the year.


Marsh Harrier.