A most pleasant day with very light westerly winds and sunshine, so I reckoned it would be a good call to check all the gardens around Scatness and find some drift migrants, 90 minutes later and a grand total of 1 Whinchat ! Over the last few weeks there has been a small flock of waders out on the headland, so I then went to check these out and today the small flock was a very small flock - a flock just 3 birds ! But that was OK as it consisted of 1 Dunlin and 2 Little Stints, with this in mind I the checked all the beaches and found a further 5 Little Stints - 3 on Moast Beach, 1 on Sanblister Beach and 1 on Scord Beach (along with 32 Sanderling) - so not too bad of a day especially without any south-easterly winds.
Sanderlings |
Little Stints |
Whinchat |
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